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Tips for Avoiding Respiratory Infections on Long Flights: Advice from Healthpoint Abu Dhabi

Tips for Avoiding Respiratory Infections on Long Flights: Advice from Healthpoint Abu Dhabi

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Long flights can increase the risk of respiratory infections due to close proximity to other passengers, recirculated air, and prolonged exposure to germs in confined spaces. Healthpoint Abu Dhabi offers expert advice and strategies to help travelers minimize the risk of respiratory infections during long flights, ensuring a healthier and more comfortable travel experience. In this article, we’ll discuss essential tips and precautions recommended by Healthpoint Abu Dhabi to avoid respiratory infections while traveling on long flights.

Stay Hydrated:

Maintaining adequate hydration is crucial for supporting the body’s immune system and preventing respiratory infections. Healthpoint Abu Dhabi advises travelers to drink plenty of water before, during, and after the flight to stay hydrated and promote mucous membrane health in the respiratory tract, helping to fend off germs and viruses.

Practice Good Hand Hygiene:

Frequent hand washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of respiratory infections. Healthpoint recommends travelers wash their hands regularly with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers to eliminate germs picked up from surfaces, tray tables, and other commonly touched objects on the airplane.

Avoid Touching Your Face:

Touching the face, particularly the eyes, nose, and mouth, can introduce germs into the body and increase the risk of respiratory infections. Healthpoint Abu Dhabi advises travelers to avoid touching their face with unwashed hands and to use tissues or elbows to cover coughs and sneezes to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets.

Maintain Distance from Sick Passengers:

If possible, travelers should try to maintain a safe distance from passengers who appear to be ill or exhibiting symptoms of respiratory infections. Healthpoint recommends choosing seats away from individuals who are coughing, sneezing, or showing signs of illness to reduce the risk of exposure to infectious droplets.

Wear a Mask:

Wearing a mask can provide an additional layer of protection against respiratory infections, particularly in crowded or confined spaces like airplanes. Healthpoint Abu Dhabi advises travelers to consider wearing a surgical mask or respirator during long flights, especially if they are seated near passengers who are coughing or sneezing.

Boost Your Immune System:

Prior to traveling, Healthpoint recommends travelers take steps to boost their immune system to better defend against respiratory infections. This includes getting adequate rest, eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, and considering immune-boosting supplements or vitamins under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

Stay Active and Mobile:

Sitting for prolonged periods during long flights can impair circulation and weaken the immune system. Healthpoint Abu Dhabi advises travelers to stay active and mobile during the flight by stretching, walking around the cabin periodically, and performing simple exercises in their seat to promote blood flow and immune function.

By following these tips and precautions recommended by Healthpoint Abu Dhabi, travelers can minimize the risk of respiratory infections and enjoy a healthier and more comfortable travel experience on long flights. Practicing good hand hygiene, staying hydrated, avoiding close contact with sick passengers, wearing a mask when necessary, boosting the immune system, and staying active during the flight can help protect against respiratory illnesses and ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.

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